Training a Dog Is Loving a Dog
Here at Pay It Forward For Pets, we believe training a dog is loving a dog! Dogs want to please us, and it hurts their feelings when their humans get frustrated with them. So it’s our responsibility to kindly and patiently show them what they need to know to be the best doggies they can be!! That’s why we have our Canine Behavioral Assessment and Enrichment Program to help dogs at Summit County Animal Control who are frustrated with being cooped up in a kennel and/or were never trained by their previous owners.
Many dogs do not reveal their true personalities when they are stressed-out in a shelter environment. In an effort to reduce the possibility of euthanasia, a behavioral assessment is performed when a dog displays behaviors of concern. An activity and handling plan is designed after an evaluation.
Pay It Forward For Pets utilizes local, well-respected Canine Behavioral Trainers to determine the unique characteristics of fearful dogs. This critical assessment ensures the proper handling by facility staff and volunteers. Many of these orphaned animals are often just requiring some extended time to decompress and this program assures this consideration. Additionally, the staff is educated to the unique needs of each dog so that they can better match them to an appropriate adopter with a specific lifestyle and family dynamics.
As an added benefit, our Canine Behavioral Trainers will work with the public to assist in modifying behaviors once a dog is in its new home. This aids in reducing the number of dogs returned to the shelter.
Funding this program extends a dog’s residency in the shelter.
“Dogs want to please their families – they just need to be kindly taught what is expected of them!”